Recently I ordered an AMD Ryzen 5 1600X for a new build for a colleague. Sadly the CPU was just sticky-taped on the cardboard of another component with the pins downwards… that’s not how it shoud be 🙂

As expected: Bent pins on the left side, this would never fit into a socket
Small defect but great impact, e.g. left bottom corner…

Contacted the online shop and sent them this pictures as proof and they sent me a replacement immediately – sadly it was packed almost the same as before, just with some additional bubble foil this time 🙂

Next try… not really better, but at least this one works and has no bent pins… thanks to the bubble foil 😛

…they actually never reclaimed the old CPU, well what could they do with it other than throw it away? AMD probably wouldn’t give warranty to a “sticky-taped” and thrown in a non ESD bag CPU…

So however, I just gave it a try and bent the pins back with a scalpel – well, I ended up with a working spare CPU. 😀

Testing the CPU
Kategorien: ITTechnology

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